Flag Counter Karta Hu Mai Teri Chinta Hindi Christian Song Chords & Lyrics - elshaddai.co.uk

Karta Hu Mai Teri Chinta Hindi Christian Song Chords & Lyrics

Why i worry about you Tears will not leave your hands in the valleys of tears You will see my glory, give it to me in my hands My power I will give you, I will run every day in my favor I am your concern Why do you worry about the valleys of tears
Even if all of you forget you Will I ever forget you, I will pick you up in your hands and I will drive you in this place every day I worry about why you worry. I will not leave my hands in the valleys of tears. I am God of Abraham. Why do not I do wonderful work, I am able to do what I worry about you, why do not you leave your hands in the valleys of tears

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